Oooh for the love of Lavender!

I grew up with my family using herbs and essential oils, and Lavender was one of the staples we always had.  Lavender is the oil that can do just about anything.  My son had a hard time falling asleep at nights and we’d put a few drops of lavender on some cotton balls and place … More Oooh for the love of Lavender!

“Growing up is losing some illusions, in order to acquire others.”

Bread crusts..  blahhh…I’m not a bread crust girl, never really have been. Yet, Like every other kid growing up, you were told to eat your bread crust.  Unless of course you grew up in the late 90’s, where Wonder Bread finally figured it out kids don’t like crusts. I grew up eating it, but not … More “Growing up is losing some illusions, in order to acquire others.”

Oiling it up

In my attempt to reduce my usage of chemicals, and processed items, I tried my hand at making facial cream. Quite the experience. 🙂  If you google it, a million recipes come up. If you look on pinterest  a million images and recipes come up.  So I kind of made my own.  Here’s the recipe: … More Oiling it up

Light the fire

I love the feeling you get, as a foster dog mom, and volunteer of a rescue, when you know you finally find a home for one of the foster dogs. Emily, the Rescue Director,had it right, when she told me, ” it’s the hardest work you will do but it is also the most rewarding” … More Light the fire

Hello world!

or·gan·ic [ôrˈganik] ADJECTIVE of, relating to, or derived from living matter: of or relating to a bodily organ or organs. denoting a relation between elements of something such that they fit together harmoniously as necessary parts of a whole. (oxford dictionary)