“Growing up is losing some illusions, in order to acquire others.”

20150820_101714Bread crusts..  blahhh…I’m not a bread crust girl, never really have been. Yet, Like every other kid growing up, you were told to eat your bread crust.  Unless of course you grew up in the late 90’s, where Wonder Bread finally figured it out kids don’t like crusts. I grew up eating it, but not liking it. My grandfather told me if I wanted, eh um, boobs, I had to eat my crusts.  He also told me that if I drank black coffee I’d end up with hair on my chest, which thankfully he was wrong about that, and I’m pretty sure that if I didn’t eat all those bread crusts, I still would have gotten my “boobs”.

At 40 something years old, when no one is watching me eat, I pull off the bread crusts to this day.  At this point in my life, I have the right be childish in what I chose to eat or not. The argument now days is not the crust, but what’s in the bread, should you go gluten or not? Whole wheat, white, oats, all bran, oh my!  That just makes me look so much less picky. I don’t care what kind of bread it is. I do not discriminate on types of bread, just the crust.  So Off with the Crust!!

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